Jul 4, 2010
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Best Kitchen Cabinets for Charlotte NC

Install the Best Kitchen Cabinets by Researching the Best Options

Kitchen cabinets can cost as much as 70 percent of the cost of building or designing a kitchen, so it’s important to research the best options in order to get the most out of one’s investment. The choices for door style, wood, finish, and hardware options are endless, and depending on the chosen components, can affect the final price of the product. But when one knows exactly what to look for, choosing the right cabinets will be an easy task.

Home owners nowadays have more options when it comes to kitchen cabinetry. Customers can choose from stock, semi-custom, or custom cabinets. Generally, most people buy stock kitchen cabinets because they are cheaper and are durable enough for their purposes. On the other hand, home owners who want kitchens built to their personal specifications can have custom cabinetry installed.

The second thing to consider is the type of wood, as well as the color and finish of the cabinets. Maple, oak, and cherry are still among the most popular options. However, newer designs follow more minimalist trends, such as wood frames with glass panels, or other lightweight materials that complement the overall look of the cabinet. One sign of quality work to look for is if the grain of the unit matches from piece to piece. The quality of the finish also has to be carefully examined, and the quality should be comparable to any other piece of furniture.

Aside from the look of the kitchen cabinets, customers must also focus on the hardware used during installation. The mounting parts of wall cabinets or hanging rails can define the stability of the unit. Visit our website to our Standard Construction of cabinets.


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