Oct 22, 2019
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Cabinet Design

The main area to focus on when renovating a modern kitchen is the cabinets. Everyone have a different taste when choosing the sizes, layout and style. A major part of the design cabinets are the proportions of cupboards to drawers, counter height to widths, spacing, and style.

If you are uncertain about where or how to start, start by looking for ideas and designs by seeing other people’s kitchen setups. That’s the quickest and most effective way, since you have a firsthand experience walking through the kitchen and feeling out the layout. Another good way is to watch HGTV and other home remodeling shows on TV.

If you’re at a bookstore or library, checkout kitchen décor magazines and take out some kitchen remodeling books. Pay a visit to a home improvement store such as Home Depot or Lowes. Walk through the kitchen department and peruse through the cabinet doors and view the type of finishes that are available. Talk to the salespeople; ask them why it is designed the way it is.

Keep in mind that you are only doing this for ideas. Ultimately it is your kitchen and you have to choose what fits your taste and your lifestyle. It should be what works best for you, not what other people suggest or have chosen for their kitchen.

If you want tons of drawer space and open shelving, start with that thought and build upon it. If you want everything tucked away, organized, and clutter free, focus on that and take that route. If you absolute love to cook and need the counter top space, prioritize that and make everything else cater to a large counter top space. Think beforehand where you want and design your kitchen accordingly.

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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ray_Yan/788438

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5333698

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