Jan 25, 2011
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Shower Curtains Vs Bathroom Glass Shower Doors – My Comparison

While upgrading the bathroom, many are confronted with the option of putting in shower curtains or bathroom glass shower doors. Before selecting one over the other however, it’s essential for you to look at the pros and cons. Why? Because making the incorrect selection now could have expensive or bothersome repercussions in the future.

Shower Curtains

The main advantage of curtains is obviously that they’re affordable and simple to interchange. Not only this, but they’re generally readily available in department outlets as well as numerous store locations. Additionally, they’re available in a substantial assortment of designs, hues and textures, so that complementing your current bathroom décor.

Moreover, being inexpensive, they may be changed once they get outdated or just when a person desires a big change of style.

There are some drawbacks however. For instance, when they’re left outside the bathtub, they will drip everywhere which makes mess and creates a safety hazard. Shower curtains also often develop mildew and mold. Additionally, older ones made from PVC are known to contain toxins, which are hazardous to one’s health.

Shower Doors

These are a far more costly option to shower curtains, however they will have numerous key advantages over curtains. For instance, a strong shower door or frameless shower screen can last a long time, when compared with shower curtains that must definitely be constantly replaced.

They will also be super easy to wash simply because they don’t attract mold like curtains do. All they decide to try clean is a touch glass cleaner along with a rag or sponge. Even though they aren’t obtainable in as numerous colors and designs as shower curtains, you may still find many convenient and stylish designs to select from.

The drawback to bath doors, apart from being extra pricey to install, is they do have a tendency to collect scum in and all over the shower door tracks and sides. In the event that these spots are not continuously wiped clean, the accumulation could grow to be extremely unattractive, as well as challenging to get rid of. The continual mistreatment that they go through (moving and slamming) may also lead to them to becoming noisy and rickety. When they’re improperly taken care of or become broken in some alternative manner, upgrading them is costly.

In the long run, choosing bathroom glass shower doors over curtains depends on specific things such as your bathroom décor, budget, how long you want them to last and your own style.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_L_Rivers







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